
Sex is important for women

Importance of an intimate and erotic life in their daily lives.

To stimulate her life as a woman

Sexuality goes far beyond the genital aspect! While this seems obvious, it is not automatic for women or couples to live their intimate experiences by exploring all spheres of these. Because the discovery of female sexual pleasure takes time and  effort! Not forced labor, but efforts to create desire. Too many women feel they are “abnormal” in their sexual desire – many find it too low, too little, too unsatisfying. But did you know that this may be partly because they don’t know each other well enough? That they lack information about themselves?

To stimulate her life as a woman, it is essential to give her importance – to do this, we put aside the professional, the mother, the daughter or even the lover to let the woman be born! What makes you feel good? What are you doing to relax? Make every effort to come face-to-face with yourself at least an hour a week peace!

To maintain good shape!

Having an active sex life not only helps maintain good physical health but also offers the possibility of establishing moments of mental well-being.

Women benefit in particular from the benefits of regular sexuality (2 to 3 times a week – masturbation or sexual intercourse) and satisfactory because the orgasm releases a hormone called oxytocin, beneficial for the breasts!

In addition, the feeling of euphoria that follows the sexual act is a real messenger of “happiness”! Indeed, pleasure releases endorphins and therefore promotes relaxation. Insomniacs, stressed or anxious women would therefore benefit from adding sex to their weekly routine! 

To increase the desire

Eh yes! The more regular the frequencies, the more likely to develop the sexual appetite.

Women, who do not have a desire hormone – testosterone – in large quantities like men, must learn to introduce this hormone into their lives … by cheating a little with external methods: erotic readings, regular masturbations, accessories, fantasies … In short, the more alert the senses, the more desire will be felt.

To take care of yourself

If your sex life has its rightful place, you will be able to listen to your body if it sends you messages of changes, disorders or “bad” functioning (medical problems, hormonal deficiencies, relationship disorders … ) and you can see to make the necessary changes to regain your balance and your pleasure!

Cultivating your sex life is important, but be careful: stay away from performance! In order for sex to (re) take its place in your life, you must respect yourself and model your sexuality on your lifestyle – trying to place it high enough in your priority scale!





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