Masturbation causes your body to release a number of hormones. These hormones include:

  • Dopamine. This is one of the “happiness hormones” that’s related to your brain’s reward system.
  • Endorphins. The body’s natural pain reliever, endorphins also have de-stressing and mood-boosting effects.
  • Oxytocin. This hormone is often called the love hormone and is associated with social bonding.
  • Testosterone. This hormone is released during sex to improve stamina and arousal. It’s also released when you have sexual fantasies, according to a 2011 study
  • Prolactin. A hormone that plays an important role in lactation, prolactin also influences your mood and immune system

Masturbating can cause you to release healthy amounts of the above hormones, which is why it can positively affect your mood and physical health.

Dr Jennifer Landam, a specialist in hormone therapy,  suggests that masturbation might be exactly what you need to strengthen your body’s natural defence forces.

Self-pleasuring is known to boost your immune system and raise your white blood cell count – which in turn helps to fight infection in the body.

Now, this might not be the first time you’ve heard that time alone with your favourite toy will help with more than just relieving stress after a tough day at work- and that’s because it’s back by science.

Dr Landom’s views are also reflected in a small study conducted by the Department of Medical Psychology at the University Clinic of Essen in Germany which closely looked at the effects of orgasm through masturbation on white blood cell count.

This affects your mood Dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin are all called “happiness hormones” associated with stress reduction, bonding, and relaxation.Sometimes, masturbating can help you feel a little better when your mood is low.

As well as your focus and concentration
You might have heard of “post-nut clarity” — a situation where your brain suddenly feels focused after you have an orgasm.

Indeed, many people find that masturbating helps them concentrate better. As such, they might masturbate before working, studying, or taking a test.

There’s no scientific explanation for this, as it hasn’t been studied specifically. However, this sense of clarity and focus might be a result of feeling relaxed and happy after an orgasm.

It can help alleviate stress and anxiety
While oxytocin is commonly known as the “love hormone” and associated with social bonding, it’s also associated with de-stressing and relaxation.

As one 2005 study points out, oxytocin plays an important role in regulating stress and reducing anxiety.It does this by reducing blood pressure and lowering your cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone associated with stress.

So, if you’re hoping to relieve some tension after a tough day at work, masturbating might be a good relaxation technique!