Has your sex drive gone M.I.A? Whatever’s shutting down your engine, it may very well start with what you’re eating. As we age, the foods we eat can have an impact on testosterone levels—and as you probably already know, testosterone is a key fuel for your sex drive.

To ensure that you don’t go soft during your next romantic rendezvous, consider cleaning up your diet by tossing these foods to the wayside.


Forget “liquid courage.” Overindulging on some alcoholic beverages can throw off your talent in the bedroom, making it harder to develop an erection or even orgasm. A few brews may also cause premature ejaculation.

So when you’re hoping to have some fun between the sheets—hello, date no. 3—stick with two drinks max and alternate with water.


What’s not to love about cheese? The answer is simple: Since it originates from milk, there’s a chance that synthetic hormones can be present, and that can, in turn, negatively influence estrogen and testosterone levels.

Fortunately, there’s a workaround: Try to get cheese from organic or untreated cows, or opt for organic cheese from other ruminants like goats or sheep.


Processed Meats
Most premade deli meat—including sausage, hot dogs, and hamburgers—contain added hormones, preservatives, and antibiotics, and also includes mountains of sodium.

These lower-grade meats can cause a hormonal imbalance in your body and, as mentioned previously, spike your blood pressure. (They also increase your risk for bowel cancer, according to the World Health Organization.) Opt for leaner and un-processed cuts like chicken or turkey to keep the mood alive.


Microwave popcorn
It’s date night. You’ve decided on dinner and a movie. Sharing a tub of popcorn is a foregone conclusion, right? Not quite—it might kill the mood later.

Microwaved popcorn contains perfluorooctanoic acid, which is found in the lining of the bag. It’s been linked to decreasing sex drive and causing long-term prostate problems.


Diet Soda
Just because “diet” is in front of “soda” doesn’t mean it’s healthy. Diet sodas are loaded with artificial sweeteners, like aspartame.

The jury’s still out on artificial sweeteners—some research indicates they’re better for you than regular sugar, while other studies aren’t as clear cut—but there’s a chance they can affect your levels of serotonin, a key neurotransmitter believed to as a mood stabilizer.