In recent years, there has been a noticeable decrease in sexual activity among young married couples. This decline in sexual activity is a concerning trend that may have implications for the quality of relationships and ultimately, the health of society. This research paper aims to provide insight into the reasons for this trend and explore the benefits of building sensual tension in relationships.

Reasons for the Decrease in Sexual Activity: There are several factors that may contribute to the decrease in sexual activity among young married couples. One of the primary reasons is the increased stress and workload that comes with modern life. With the demands of work, household chores, and parenting, couples may find themselves too tired or stressed to engage in sexual activity. Other reasons include the impact of technology on relationships, the lack of privacy, and medical conditions that affect sexual function.

Building Sensual Tension: Building sensual tension refers to the process of creating anticipation and excitement around sexual activity. It involves setting the mood, flirting, and engaging in non-sexual touch to build intimacy and desire. This process can help couples overcome the barriers to sexual activity, reduce stress, and improve the quality of relationships. By building sensual tension, couples can create a sense of anticipation and excitement around sexual activity, leading to a more fulfilling sexual experience.

Benefits of Building Sensual Tension: Building sensual tension has several benefits for both individuals and society. For individuals, it can lead to increased sexual satisfaction, improved mental health, and better physical health. It can also improve the quality of relationships, leading to happier marriages and more stable families. For society, building sensual tension can reduce the incidence of divorce and promote a healthier and happier population.


Conclusion: The trend of decreasing sexual activity among young married couples is a concern for the health of relationships and society as a whole. However, by building sensual tension, couples can overcome the barriers to sexual activity and improve the quality of their relationships. This process can lead to increased sexual satisfaction, improved mental and physical health, and happier marriages. It is important for couples to prioritize building sensual tension to ensure a healthy and happy relationship.